Secunite product

Detailed knowledge and prediction of connected cars usages.

Data collection

Secunite collects only the data strictly necessary to carry out its activity of knowledge and fine prediction of the uses of connected cars. In addition to identification data (contact details, vehicle identification, vehicle data access account), Secunite only collects the following data with drivers' consent: odometer reading, and for any journey; day, start and end time of journey, distance travelled, GPS position at start and end of journey, charge level for electric vehicles.

Real-time and predictive analysis

Secunite uses real-time data analysis and predictive analysis to provide insurers with a detailed understanding and prediction of how connected vehicles are used.

Data processed

Secunite provides data relating to mileage (per hour, per day), data relating to driving periods (% of driving during the day, at night, at sunrise, at sunset), driving conditions (% of driving in rain, snow or fog).

Dashboard and notifications

From the processed data, Secunite provides the insurer with alerts, dashboards or raw data for dedicated processing by its own data scientist teams.

Weather forecast

For rich, relevant statistical analysis, Secunite integrates 8-day meteorological data.

Traffic environment

Secunite incorporates data relating to traffic conditions and environment into its modelling.

Innovative predict tools

7-day driving forecast (mileage with 75% confidence interval)

Forecast based on driving conditions (night, rain, snow)